Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cute Labels! by Ormolu

I ran across these labels when making my vanilla extract. Gorgeous! And inexpensive.....would make home made gifts look so professional!

Buy them HERE.
Check out Ormolu's shop!

Make Your Own Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract can be very expensive. But we all know the better the vanilla, the better our baked goods taste! So, make your own.

Use about 5-8 whole vanilla beans...add to approx. 32 oz. vodka (Absolut or Skyy is an appropriate quality) into a glass bottle with a lid....wait 6 weeks shaking the bottle a few times a week. Ta-da!
Delicious vanilla extract, and the best part is, when the bottle gets low, just top it off with vodka and give it a few weeks, and it's ready to go again!

Vanilla Bean Sources - Costco (10 beans; approx $10)
Beanilla.com (prices vary)

Bottle - I used the bottle shown above from Ikea. Slom Bottle $2.99

Lonny Magazine!

Lonny Magazine makes its debut! Many people (like me) are missing Domino Magazine so badly. I am not saying it has been replaced...but a delightful new online publication is making a great attempt at filling some big shoes. Be sure to check out Lonny Magazine!

image from Lonny Magazine