Thursday, May 21, 2009

Alive! by Nature's Way

I have been searching for a multi-vitamin that actually seems like it is worth buying/ingesting.  I recently had lunch with a friend who told me an amazing story.  

She has encountered medical issues her entire life.  One of her doctors appointments revealed that she had a polyp (don't quote me on the medical stuff...I'm an interior designer, not a doctor) in her colon an inch or so big.  She began taking Juice Plus pills and two months later when they went in to remove a portion of her intestine, the polyp was nearly GONE!  The surgery was much less invasive and had a much shorter recovery time.    

So, I began doing research on Juice Plus and other similar vitamins.  Juice Plus is pretty expensive (about $40 per month).  I can't afford that, but would LOVE to have these great benefits.  I found a great alternative...Alive! by Nature's Way (about $7 per month).  It contains fruit concentrates and vegetable concentrates just like Juice Plus, but also contains multi-vitamin, mushrooms, Omega 3, and a digestive enzyme.  

Best Bargains!! Pearl River

I thought I would share a favorite website. I love a good bargain, and I love things that you can't just buy anywhere. For years I have been shopping at It's a great place for a fun gift, party decor, kitchenware, and tons of paper lanterns.

There is literally something for everyone, and you will find ten things you want that you never knew you needed!!

Images Top to Bottom: Multi-Color Feather Butterfly Garland ($9.50)
Plastic Cosmetic Bag ($4.25)
Little Tiger Head Shoes for Baby ($9.50)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


My beautiful friend Sarah makes beautiful earrings!  I have many many pairs of earrings that she has made for me.  Visit her shop on Etsy.  Everything is handmade, and great prices!  

You have to buy these buy the cute ones!

As you probably heard, postage has gone up AGAIN, to $0.44.  The only way the have sweetened the deal is to put out the most adorable King & Queen stamps. 

You have to buy them buy the cute ones.  

Etsy is my Favorite Website - feat. LUCKY FIONA is a great place to get great finds that are all handmade or vintage.  I was recently in the market for a new collar for my cat, Katrina Beans.  Nothing was cute enough for her...she doesn't need to glow in the dark or wear rhinestones.  I went to Etsy and came across the BEST COLLARS for cats and dogs, also dog leashes.